
Showing posts from June, 2019

Fri Jun 28 11:07:13 PDT 2019

Spring @Transactional - isolation, propagation PROPAGATION_REQUIRED = 0; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1.If for another Method M2 Transaction object is required ,no new Transaction object is created .Same object T1 is used for M2 PROPAGATION_MANDATORY = 2; method must run within a transaction. If no existing transaction is in progress, an exception will be thrown PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW = 3; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1 and it is in progress(executing method M1) .If another method M2 start executing then T1 is suspended for the duration of method M2 with new DataSourceTransactionObject T2 for M2.M2 run within its own transaction context PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1.If another method M2 is run concurrently .Then M2 should not run within transaction context. T1 is suspended till M2 is finished. PROPAGATION_NEVER = 5; None of the ...

Fri Jun 28 11:06:40 PDT 2019

Spring @Transactional - isolation, propagation PROPAGATION_REQUIRED = 0; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1.If for another Method M2 Transaction object is required ,no new Transaction object is created .Same object T1 is used for M2 PROPAGATION_MANDATORY = 2; method must run within a transaction. If no existing transaction is in progress, an exception will be thrown PROPAGATION_REQUIRES_NEW = 3; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1 and it is in progress(executing method M1) .If another method M2 start executing then T1 is suspended for the duration of method M2 with new DataSourceTransactionObject T2 for M2.M2 run within its own transaction context PROPAGATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4; If DataSourceTransactionObject T1 is already started for Method M1.If another method M2 is run concurrently .Then M2 should not run within transaction context. T1 is suspended till M2 is finished. PROPAGATION_NEVER = 5; None of the ...


Recent updates to ad units June 17, 2019 We're committed to continuously investing in the modernization of our advertising products . As a result, there are some important changes we're making to the ad units in your account. Starting April 2019, your Ads page will be updated to reflect these changes. What's changing Ad sizes We're making it easier to create and manage ad units. All new ad units you create will be responsive by default, able to adjust to different screen sizes on mobile and desktop for increased performance and flexibility. If you do need further customization, you'll still be able to create fixed-sized ad units. Ad types We're moving towards richer ad formats, phasing out text-only and display-only ad units to further improve user experience, and to fully reflect the po...


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