Sat Dec 29 05:02:12 PST 2018

Hibernate is one of the most popular, open source
RM (Object Relational Mapping) framework, which has now become a standard for developing persistence layer on Java enterprise application, along with
JPA (Java Persistence API). I often receive requests to suggest
which book is best to learn to hibernate or recommendation about some
good books and training course on Spring and Hibernate. This motivates me to write this article about some of the best books on Hibernate currently available on the market. Earlier I have shared some of the
must-read books on Spring framework for a Java developer, which is quite helpful for picking a book on Spring. Similar to Spring framework, experience in Hibernate is most sought after thing in
Java JEE
 development roles.

Hibernate is one of the essential frameworks for Java and Java EE or JEE programmers, especially if you are working on the server side of a Java web development project. It's an ORM tool or a framework which allows you to deal with only objects while Hibernate takes care of your data on your behalf. For example, instead of writing classes with SQL to load, save, and update data using
DAO design pattern, you can simply use Hibernate framework in your project. It will allow you to deal with just objects while it will load, save, and update data in the background. Instead of you loading and saving data to/from the database and then populating objects, Hibernate just give you a readymade object and also takes care of updating data when the state of object changes. Btw, this is just one benefit of using Hibernate, another one is that it provides inbuilt caching.

instanceof operator in Java is used to check if an object belongs to a particular type or not at runtime. It's also a built-in keyword in Java programming language and mostly used to
avoid ClassCastException in Java. It is used as safety-check before casting any object into a certain type. This operator has a form of object instanceof Type and returns
true if the object satisfies IS-A relationship with the Type i.e. object is an instance of class Type or object is the instance of a class which extends Type or object is an instance of a class which implements interface Type. Once an object passed the instanceof check, it's safe to
type-cast into that type, without worrying of


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